European Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Lao PDR

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EuroCham Advocacy Service Updates

Photo credit: Phavanh SOSAMPHAN

On November 7, our Deputy Executive Director, Enrico Bargnani, and External Relations Officer, Phoutong Sorinxay, had the privilege of meeting with Mr. Bounyavath NIRAXAY, Deputy Director General at the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, along with his team. This meeting was a crucial component of EuroCham Laos’ advocacy efforts within the Trade and Logistics Advocacy Working Group launched earlier this year.

Building on the success of previous positive engagements with executives from Thanaleng Dry Port and with a scheduled meeting with LITFA in the same week, the Chamber recognized the paramount importance of establishing a dialogue with the local government as a key stakeholder.

During this meeting, our Chamber conveyed its vision for Laos to evolve into an appealing logistic hub and presented specific recommendations for enhancing the business environment, based on insights from the private sector investors, and members of EuroCham Laos.

The Ministry warmly welcomed EuroCham’s involvement in the shared vision for Laos and encouraged direct feedback from our members. We seized the opportunity to discuss particular aspects related to Dry Ports and Thai-Lao border regulations, and we learned of potential positive changes upcoming.

We extend our gratitude to the Ministry for their willingness to engage with us, and we are committed to maintaining this active two-way channel of communication, which will allow us to relay feedback from our members and provide updates in return.