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Today, the European Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Lao PDR represented by its Executive Director, Dr. Ramon Bruesseler, together with Stora Enso Laos donated 76,000,000 LAK collected from its members, staff and friends to the Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry represented by Mr. Oudet Souvannavong, President of LNCCI, to help flood victims in Attapeu province. The fund will be further donated to the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, who will use the fund for flood relief. 

On 24th July 2018, ECCIL called for donation from its members and friends as well as other contributors to help the victims of the flood caused by dam collapse in Attapeu province. We have collected a total of 76,000,000 LAK from ECCIL members, staff, friends on 30th July 2018. Below is the list of contributors for the donation:

  1. Stora Enso Laos
  2. Luckphanomphone Sinuanphao
  3. Fawatthana Import-Export Co., Ltd
  4. Lao Mood Travel
  5. Regnier Christophe
  6. Gilbert Celine
  7. Ramon Bruesseler
  8. Khankeo Moonvong
  9. Souphanith Lounnalath
  10. Bounta Chanthaboud
  11. Malaivieng Viengvilay
  12. Sengpaseuth Sadavong
  13. Dan Fitzpatrick
  14. Valalack Sayasith
  15. Saiy Lom Phoumixay
  16. Souvannee Lengsavath
  17. Chanvilai Sharma
  18. Nomad Yoga House
  19. Youphavady Gnoukhanthone
  20. Fitzpatrick Daniel Peter
  21. Nguyen Ngoc Thuy
  22. Pitaloka Diah Lestari
  23. Mangenot Laurent
  24. Diep Vu Col., Ltd
  25. Other anonymous donors

ECCIL would like to sincerely thank everyone who contributed for the donation and for helping Lao people in Attapeu province.