Advocacy Unveiled


A unified voice to support & empower our members

At EuroCham Laos, we redefine advocacy as a dynamic platform that empowers our members to engage in meaningful dialogues with the Government of Lao PDR. It's about supporting our members in articulating their business interests to the Lao government.

Our Advocacy Working Groups - Plantation Forestry · Trade & Logistics · Hospitality & Tourism - fuelled by the insights of member companies, steer our collective efforts toward advocating for elevated standards in trade and investment within Lao PDR. 

Objective: Fostering Higher Standards in Trade and Investment 

Our Advocacy aims to harness the collective feedback of the private sector to alert the government to ambiguous policies, implementation challenges, and other barriers to doing business. Simultaneously, we propose strategies to enhance overall competitiveness, making the business environment in Lao PDR more attractive for trade and investment. Participation in Advocacy Working Groups is an opportunity to actively shape public policy, fostering a better business climate and attracting new economic opportunities. 

The Advocacy Dynamics: A Two-Way Communication Channel 

At the core of Advocacy lies two-way communication. Our members provide feedback to relevant Ministries, enabling swift communication of updates, new policies, and clarifications. We facilitate this exchange through forums, conferences, digital channels, and technical consultations on regulatory drafts.

EuroCham Laos Role: Facilitating Dialogue 

As facilitators, our Chamber empowers members who form committees around specific topics or sectors. We elevate common problems and interests from Advocacy Working Groups to the relevant Lao Authorities. Acting as intermediaries, we bridge the European business community with the Lao government, offering secretarial and organizational assistance. 

Our Facilitation Arsenal: Tools for Influence 

We orchestrate forums, seminars, breakfast talks, and workshops, actively participating in consultations with the Government of Lao PDR. Collaborating with associations such as the Lao National Chamber of Commerce, we amplify our impact. Key tools, including joint surveys on Foreign Business Sentiments and impactful white papers, channel our members' voices directly to the highest echelons of the Government. 

Expected Outcomes: A Unified Voice for European Business 

Our members gain a forum to address sector-specific needs and challenges, speaking with one European voice to Lao authorities. Advocacy groups are particularly instrumental for SMEs, offering a broader platform for their voices. Successful suggestions and outcomes from advocacy efforts may culminate in a Whitebook, a position paper presented to the Lao government, reflecting the unified stance of the European business community in Lao PDR. 

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