Plantation Forestry Group


The Plantation Forestry Working Group has been formed with a dedicated focus on addressing the distinctive challenges and untapped opportunities within the plantation forestry sector in Laos.

Recognizing the limited exploitation of its potential, EuroCham Laos is committed to enhancing the business environment to facilitate the seizing of these opportunities, ultimately attracting further investment and benefiting the population of Laos with sustainable employment.

Within this working group, we acknowledge and work to tackle the unique challenges hindering the full realization of the potential in plantation forestry, ranging from regulatory complexities to environmental concerns. However, these challenges are not viewed as mere obstacles; instead, they present opportunities for strategic intervention.

By identifying and addressing these challenges, the group aims to pave the way for innovation, sustainable practices, and overall growth within the sector.

The working group also recognizes that only a fraction of the potential within plantation forestry has been seized to date. As a catalyst for change, we aspire to encourage businesses to explore and capitalize on the vast potential for economic development and ecological balance that plantation forestry can offer.  

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