Enterprise & Developments Consultants Co. Ltd

EDC is a business service provider that specializes in training, consulting, and data analytics. Founded in December 1999 from a Lao-German project’s training team, EDC prides itself for using interactive methods including on-site counseling to deliver the best results.

Our Vision: to be a leading and professional firm in business and management training and consultant in Lao PDR.
Our Mission: to strengthen the business and management capacities of entrepreneurs, community, and organization in Laos which gradually lead to regional and international economic integrations.
Our Services: training; consulting; data analytics; enabling enterprises, organizations, projects, business outsourcing.

Representative: Ms. Thiphaphone Phetmany | Director

Email: thiphaphone@gmail.com

Phone: 020 5552 1521

Other contact: Ms. Phalida Dalavong | Office and Training Assistant

Email: phalida.edc@gmail.com

Enterprise & Developments Consultants Co. Ltd

Green Building, 2nd Floor, House No. 525, Unit 41, P.O. Box 9997, Naxay Village, Saysettha District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR


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