
September 30, 2011 News

Minimum wage increase planned

There are plans to increase the minimum wage from October 1st, 2011 by a substantial margin. Here you can download the current regulations as well as the envisaged ones.

August 31, 2011 Lao PDR Economy, private

Laos Facts and Figures, August 2011

The file consists of about 100 slides which give a comprehensive overview over the latest available economic data about Lao PDR. It has been compiled of information from Lao authorities, international organizations, consultants, research institutions etc. and was updated early August 2011....

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The LSX: a very young securities exchange
August 22, 2011 News

Visit to the Lao Securities Exchange

On August 15th, 2011, ECCIL members were invited to join a visit to the Lao Securities Exchange organized by ANZBA (Australia New Zealand Business Association Laos). The LSX was opened earlier this year and has two companies listed so far. However, by the year 2015 it is planned to have at least 15 companies listed. […]

August 18, 2011 News

Proposed new minimum wage regulation

According to the Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, an information that ECCIL received by fax on August 15th, there is a proposed new minimum wage regulation in Laos PDR.

August 15, 2011 Membership

Why Join ECCIL

ECCIL, the European Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Lao PDR, which was founded on May 9th, 2011, is the only officially recognised representation of European businesses in Laos, and since the closure of the French Chamber of Commerce here there are no chambers from member countries of the European Union left in Laos. ECCIL […]

August 2, 2011 Lao Legal Framework, private

Other Legal Documents

The European Chamber of Commerce and Industry leads a long term effort to gather accurate english translations of every published Laotian legal texts: agreements, decisions, notifications, ordinances, provisions, and regulations....

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